Kittea Zines

A zine team

About the Mods


Isa is one of the head mod and has a lot of experience participating in and modding various zines. Their experience includes modding: Supernova: A Kacchako Zine, Boundless: A Kaccako Zine, Ongaku no Kokoro: A KamiJirou Zine, The Beauty of Our Hometown: A Nezuko Zine, A Brand New Season!: A Story of Seasons Zine, Limerance: A Kacchako Zine. They have also participated in over 15 other zines as an illustrator and merch artist.

Most of Isa’s mod experience is as a general/head mod and shipping/finance mod, so they are no stranger to the ins and outs of zine production, and has even done most of the layout of Boundless: A Kacchako Zine and will be doing the layout for the Limerance zine. Isa will also be handling the tumblr and twitter for the foreseeable future.

Other things about Isa: Isa is a 21+ non-binary (she/they) illustrator and art student who likes to draw and play a lot of video games. Isa has played FFXIV since late 2013/early 2014, and it’s one of their favorite games.


Kit is another head mod, and although she doesn’t have experience modding zines, she has experience participating in them and is also a regular Artist Alley artist and knows and will assist in the ordering and handling of merchandise as well as other general mod needs.

Other things about Kit: Kit is a 21+ artist (she/her) that has been tabling artist alleys at conventions since 2013 and has plenty of merchandise production experience. She is an illustrator that also plays a lot of FFXIV and other games in her spare time.


Kiri is our writing/beta mod as well as a general mod. She will help us managing the project as well in regards to layout and ordering of merchandise.

Kiri has experience modding multiple zines and projects, including FFXIV: Boss Bitch pin-up calender, and the FFXIV Bloom zine.

Kiri is an active FFXIV player and we're very happy to have her on our team.

Current Project

Our current, and first project is FFXIV: A Realm Beginning Zine. This zine is aimed at showing the interactions of the Player Characters (Warriors of Light) and the NPCs in the world of the game, FFXIV.
Contributor applications can be found here:
Merch Artist
We also have a Curious Cat.